This article is based on the results of the authors’ research of the development of social entrepreneurship in the region. The purpose of this article is to find the peculiarities of the development of social entrepreneurship in the Orel region. The research methodology involves the use of strategies of qualitative research of case study with a logical interpretation of the obtained results formulated in the form of conclusions on the problem. In this strategy the case study involves the selection of certain objects, in this case, a group of social entrepreneurs who run their business on the territory of the Orel region, so as a direct method of gathering information depth interview was used. The research and analysis was conducted in 2014-2015. The results of the study are the authors’ conclusions about the possibility of using the strategy of case study to analyze the problems of social entrepreneurship, since this quality strategy provides more specific insights into such an important group of entrepreneurs, to determine the peculiarities of their formation and on this basis to adjust the direction of their support.
social entrepreneurship, case study, depth interview, government support of social entrepreneurship
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