Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the approaches of Russian and foreign researchers in the formation of soft skills, the common elements and differences in classifications of existing approaches are denoted. The authors emphasize the fundamental difference between the competencies of skills. The article also discusses the concept of emotional intelligence and communication of the characteristics of the development of emotional intelligence. The paper emphasizes the importance of a high level of emotional competence leader and their impact on the achievement of organizational goals. Awareness of the head of the need to develop their emotional intelligence and taking action for this will increase employee productivity, customer loyalty, speed the introduction of changes to the business model. The authors refer to a place of emotional competencies in soft skills model. In work the operationalization of soft skills with the release of emotional competencies in a separate category.

soft skills, emotional competence leader, emotional intelligence, emotional competence, corporate training.

Динамично изменяющаяся среда, в рамках которой существуют современные организации, обязывает специалистов получать все больше знаний и навыков, а также непрерывно повышать их качество. Чем выше должность человека в организационной иерархии, тем больше требований к нему предъявляется и тем шире круг его обязанностей.


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