Krasnodar, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is increase of honey productivity bee colonies. The studies were conducted in the early spring in March, before the departure of the insect from the hive after hibernation. Bee colonies of the experimental group treated with ozone for families for 7 consecutive days at 2 hours per day when the ozone concentration of 6 mg . Bee colonies of the control group not treated with ozone. The results showed the presence of different species of microorganisms in the intestinal tract of bees in the control group, the quantitative indicators of the content of the polymorphic bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci, pseudomonas, fungi is quite large. Also, the experiments proved devastating effect of ozonation for bacteria groups, coliforms, pseudomonas, fungi of the genus aspergillus niger in the experimental group. With regard to the fungi penicillium glaucum and aspergillus ustus, ozone caused a slight decrease in their concentration in the intestinal tract of bees. Therefore, the use of ozone as a means of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of bees can be justified as it creates the most favorable conditions for further development of bee colonies. However, the fact that the number of fungi after ozonation in the intestinal tract of bees increased, speaks about the resistance of these microorganisms to ozone, and therefore, for suppression of fungal flora, ozonation needs to be done either longer or use a higher concentration of ozone.
honey, carpathian, bee, microflora, intestines, ozone
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