p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
Samara, Russian Federation
The purpose of the research is increasing the productivity of young Hereford by utilizing the genetic potential of canadian selection bulls. The experimental part of the work was done LLC «K. H. Polanskoe» Bolshechernigovskij district of Samara region. The object of research served as purebred bulls and heifers and Hereford, obtained by the insemination of local populations cows canadian selection bulls: Wide Load 391W, upper Cut 20U, absolute 49S and descendants of bulls of the national selection. The young animals received from the bulls, both local and imported, were conditionally divided into 8 groups. In the first and the fourth group included heifers and bulls, descendants of the bull Wide Load 391W. In the second and fifth group were heifers and bulls, descendants of the bull absolute 49S, third-and sixth – heifers and bulls, descendants of the bull upper Cut 20U. For comparison with animals of the local population in the seventh group included Lee upskirt, and in the eighth group are the sons of the domestic bulls. It is established that the young Hereford bulls received from the canadian CE lectures, in all periods of growth and development was superior in live weight and the absolute gain of steers and heifers obtained from bulls of the national selection. At the age of 8 months, the superiority of heifers-daughters of canadian bulls in the live weight ranged from 3.9 to 7.6%, and calves from 3.5 to 8.7%. At the end of the cultivation period, the difference in live weight between the groups of heifers was 1.5 to 6.8% and the absolute growth of 3.7-6.8% in favor of the daughters of canadian bulls. In this age the calves of imported bulls surpassed their peers from the control group by 4.2-8.95%, and 5.1-8.2%. The use of genetic potential of canadian bulls will improve the productive performance of Hereford breeding farms in Samara region.
cattle, Hereford, breed, young, alive, weight, gain
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