Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article introduced the concept of stages of development of the resource-product status through the task of creation of building products. The methodological basis is the concept of the life cycle that have been developed in relation to the material resources of the building industry. The authors proposed the basic principles of the model of the life cycle of material resources. Reviewed the status classification of material resources and graphical representation of life cycle model resources. The characteristic stages of the life cycle of resources and their integration into the cycles of the finished products, and further in the life cycle of the final product of construction in the form of a cascade or spiral model. Given the possibility of using models in developing an enhanced stream maps value creation. Listed on the prospective use of models in managing the cost of resources in optimizing the life cycle of resources, which can be considered as tailored methods of lean manufacturing. The ability to apply the life cycle model resources when diagnosing the condition of a business entity and developing the strategy of intensive development.

status of product development, material resources, the end products of construction, life cycle of material resources, map the value stream, lean manufacturing
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