GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
BBK 383 Строительные материалы и изделия
In space and in time the structure of any material continuously undergoes changes, to it, in particular, the constant movement of elementary particles, atoms, molecules, interaction of material with the environment promote. For example, almost all construction materials and their raw mixes, at least, at the microlevel, represent the microheterogeneous disperse systems consisting several phases to which number the liquid component belongs. The nature of structure of such systems in many respects is de-fined by character and size of communications or forces of adhesion between structural elements (microparticles, grains, etc.). Depending on the nature of these communications in disperse systems allocate strong phase contacts in condensation or crystallizational structures of disperse materials, direct atomic contacts in dry powders and rather weak forces of molecular interaction operating between particles through layers of a liquid phase in coagulative structures. Besides the types of interactions and the relevant structures considered above it is necessary to allocate such important interactions as capillary, shown in three-phase (firm - liquid - gas) disperse systems to which the majority raw (concrete, the rastvornykh, silicate, etc.) mixes for production of construction composite materials belongs, for example.
disperse systems, structurization, interpartial interaction, humidity, contact zone.
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