Economic development of any modern state is not possible without a well-established mechanism of functioning of the banking sector. In terms of development, improvement of economic mechanisms in the system of credit, settlement and cash bonds confirmed the importance of banking as an effective means of market development, providing special conditions for the preservation, enhancement of public savings, loans processing. Currently, due to facing the Russian economy strategy to accelerate the development goals, as well as economic sanctions, the issues of security of the banking system are of particular importance, which are caused by its role in ensuring economic security of the state, due to the direct influence of the banking system in the development of all spheres of social life. Banking institutions are accumulating large amounts of financial resources of businesses and individuals, this determines strong state control over their activities. The article deals with the formation and the current state of the banking system, the main problems of the development, the analysis of the functioning of credit institutions is carried out. Based on the study the main directions of further development of the Russian banking sector are presented.
bank, banking system, credit institutions, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, regulator of the financial market
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