Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The presented research was conducted to determine the main problem fields of modern empirical perception of Europe as well as to describe the used methodology and the achieved results in these studies. In the course of work the authors of the study analyzed modern publishing of foreign authors in scientific journals devoted to the study of various aspects of the perception of Europe image in the eyes of the multicast target audience. As a result, the authors were able to identify a number of areas in modern foreign studies that reflect the desired problem fields. These included: the study of various aspects of the content of the image of Europe, including the geographic parameters of its image; European research in perception of dichotomy WE-THEY; analysis of the external image of Europe; study of the image of Europe as a part of identity; the study of their own and the other for the European elite. As the subjects in the studies different groups of respondents are mentioned: youth and students, the population of the European countries in general, the political and economic elite. Considerable attention is paid to the European perception of non-Europeans. The urgency of the problems investigated in the foreign papers in the field of perception of the image of Europe, does not lose its relevance in contemporary international relations. Methodical and informative potential of European research will be useful for the study of the perception of Europe and own country by Russians.

perception of Europe, European identity, national and state identity, European brand, the European Union

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