Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
The article deals with the issues of evaluation of measurement of life quality as a result of the activities of the municipal bodies. A complex research of quality of the municipal authority in Russia was carried out in the regions of the country during 2014 – 2015. The study results of the International Research Center of the Modern Humanitarian Academy and the Center of Social and Conservative Policy in the Central Federal District «Center» led to the conclusion about modern quality of the municipal authority and the partial accordance of the level of the society needs for ensuring a worthy life quality. The analysis of the research results shows that a sustainable and mass demand of the population for a positive change in the situation in the municipalities has already been formed. The ways of improving the municipal authorities’ activity are substantiated in the form of new requirements to the quality of government, maximum involvement of citizens in all stages of the adoption of the most important state decisions, the development of the institutions of the functional representation of group interests and also strengthening of solidarity, the middle class and the civil society.
municipal authority, life quality, social expectations, groups of interests, effectiveness of administration, mechanism of administration, region
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