Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the transformation of the model «homo economicus», which underlies the modern science of service. This model is considered as a theoretical design that allows explaining the nature of human needs. The Foundation model was the concept of classical political economy, represented in the works of A. Smith and D. Ricardo. There are also the disadvantages of this model applied to the study of contemporary culture and the needs of modern man. The author focuses on the concept of personality in modern psychological science, which can be defined as a multi-potential person or a man-scanner. In this regard, the author resorts to the concept of a man-scanner in the works of famous American coach-trainer B. Sher. The author studies the prospects of us- ing this model in modern culture, and also with regard to the typology of needs according to Maslow. It’s shown the relationship of this model with the needs of modern man and his value orientations. On the basis of it there are selected methodological recommendations for teaching of science of service at the University. In particular, there are noticed problematic topics in the teaching of modern science of service, and also shown the methodi- cal part – conduct lectures with students on the topic «Practical aspects of service.» It includes the purpose and objectives of lectures, educational technology, and questions for discussion. As necessary components of learning the science of service the author identifies practical orientation, as well as the existential needs of man in different situations. In this regard, the attention is paid not so much to economic as to philosophical component of the discipline «science of service».

science of service, education, needs, man, consumer, behavior, culture, economic philosophy, economic sociology

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