Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the place and value of acts of the Central Bank of Russia in the system of sources of financial law and in the legal system of the Russian Federation in general are analyzed. The author notes that the specified category of sources of law in many respects has the non-system nature caused by the place of the Bank of Russia in system of authorities. It is offered to differentiate the concepts "acts of public authorities" and "bylaws". The last, in fact, designates not the name of a source of law, but its attributive characteristic as the act located in hierarchy of sources of law "under the law". The intrinsic characteristic of the specified sources of law is expressed in the way that they are accepted by specific public authorities and on behalf of these bodies. In legal literature specifics of acts of Central Election Commission or acts of the Central Bank of Russia which aren´t included in system of executive bodies were noted. Respectively, regulatory legal acts of data of bodies don´t receive the place in the system of acts of executive bodies and the question of their legal force is very ambiguous.

sources of financial law, Bank of Russia, Central Bank, bylaws, acts of public authorities, system of separation of the authorities

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