Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
The authors analyzed the essence of new federal laws, which change some implementation aspects of other basic federal laws, such as Law on Compulsory Medical insurance in the Russian Federation, Law on Basics of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation, Budget Code, Tax Code and other legal acts, determining the peculiarities of financ-ing of high technology medical care since January 1, 2017 onwards. The main challenges and risks of Compulsory Medical Insurance Federal Foundation was identified, it becoming the sole holder of the funds intended for the financing of high-tech medical care. The main risk is that federal and regional authorities are not only being excluded from financing, but are losing the role of health care state customer. And in the conditions of financial crisis in the country it will happen. In this case there is a great possibility of financial deficit for high technological medical care in the federal medical scientific institutions. A number of measures for planning indicators of high-tech medical assistance in the scientific medical organizations was proposed. These measures can prevent corruption and defend federal (state) segment of health care system, providing the complex and high level assistance for the most severe ill patients.
high-tech medical care, federal funding of medical institutions, compulsory medical insurance
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4. On the program of state guarantees of free delivery of health care to the citizens in the year 2016. Russian Federation Government Decree d.d. 19.12.2015 N1382 [O Programme gosudarstvennykh garantiy besplatnogo okazaniya grazhdanam meditsinskoy pomoshchi na 2016god. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 19.12.2015 No1382]. Available at:
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6. Program of fundamental researches of state acade-mies of sciences for 2009–2012years. Russian Federation Government Decree N233-r d.d.27.02.2008 [Programma fundamental’nykh nauchnykh issledovaniy gosudarstven-nykh akademiy nauk na 2009–2012 gg. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 27 fevralya 2008g. No233-r]. Avail-able at:;base=LAW;n=88719.