Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The scope of application of the automated system for the collection and analysis of actual data with CNC machine tools. Is described a controller provides communication between the CNC and the PC. Is described the structural scheme of the controller and an automated system for the collection and analysis of data from the CNC.
the controller, the automated system, data collection and analysis, CNC, microcontroller, information, PC.
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5. Petreshin, D.I. Structure development of the automated production data collection and analysis system with CNC machine tool /D.I. Petreshin, V.A. Karpushkin // Modern problems of mining and metallurgical complex. Energy saving. Ecology. New technologies: Proceedings of the X All-Russian Science-Pract. Conf. with Inter. participation, November 25 – 27, 2013 / Editorial board: Yu.I. Eremenko, E.V. Ilyichev, L.N. Krakht, A.A. Kozhukhov, M.B. Borodina. – Belgorod: "Belgorod" Publishing House of NRU "BelSU", 2013. - pp. 401-403.
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