Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the basis of synthetic rubber – chemically modified uretanovy matrix (forpolimer) and an aminny hardener compositions of domestic construction damping sealants with high physicomechanical characteristics in combination with high adhesion to concrete and steel, low water absorption, high corrosion resistance are developed. The polymeric matrix of sealant represents two-component system which hardening is carried out under natural conditions in the presence of the catalyst of aminny type. Polyurethane sealants of the Trifor series represent compositions on the basis of uretanovy rubber with the functional groups providing good adhesion to concrete and steel. Sealants intend for a waterproofing and seal of seams, cracks, deep sinks in the concrete and reinforced concrete designs experiencing the vibrating and other mechanical strain. The construction composite materials developed filled damping and waterproofing meet all requirements of construction imposed to materials of this class.

an uretanovy forpolimer, sealant, the filled composite material, adhesion, durability, water absorption

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