The article is devoted to the analysis of hate speech verbal components in publications of “Bezbozhnik” at the beginning of the XX th century and in modern mass-media. Verbal and iconic components of the publications (caricatures) are considered. Generalizing the hate speech of antireligious texts and caricatures it is possible to ascertain that its expressiveness and the figurativeness are easily translated in the conflict concepts.
conflict, hate speech, content-analysis, linguoconflictology, religious, secular.
Всплеск гражданской напряженности, порожденный эпатажными карикатурами французского журнала «Шарли Эбдо» в 2015 г., обнажил проблему, которая существует достаточно давно, но обострилась во всей полноте только в наши дни.
1. Galaktionov M. Fashizatsiya Tserkvi v Germanii [Fascization Church in Germany]. Bezbozhnik [Atheist]. 1934, I. 4, pp. 6–7.
2. Ivanov M. Tserkov’ i fashizm [Church and fascism]. Bezbozhnik [Atheist]. 1938, I. 7, p. 1.
3. Nikonov A. Opium dlya naroda: religiya kak global’nyy biznes-proekt [Opium for the people: religion as a global business project]. Available at:
4. Available at: