Russian Federation
This paper presents data on the development of polymer composites by hot pressing based thermoplastic elastomers and the effect of pressure and compressing the mixture a filler matrix final physical and mechanical characteristics of the highly filled composites. The paper deals with the pressure range from 100 MPa to 1 GPa. Composite studied parameters depending on the pressure, density and were tensile strength. Studies conducted for the optimal composite composition comprising a thermoplastic elastomer, 30% and 70% of fine filler lung - dimethylpolysiloxane of silica gel. It has been shown that increasing the value of specific pressure of 200 to 800 MPa, the density of the composite is increased by 10% or more is not changed. By increasing the value of the specific pressure of 200 to 700 MPa tensile strength is increased by 5%. The paper found that with increasing pressure ranging from 700 MPa, the tensile strength does not change in tension, and the curve flattens out. From conducted research on the impact of compaction pressure on the final physical and mechanical characteristics of the highly filled composites can be argued that for the synthesis of the composite with the best features you want to use compression pressure of at least 800 MPa.
thermoplastic elastomers, hot pressing method, the dynamic vulcanization method, compression of solids
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