Russian Federation
Russian Federation
In work results of experiments on sorption of radionuclides on the surface of the alloyed and perlitny steel are presented and her communication with the size of equilibrium electrochemical potential is noticed. At transfer of steel to a passive state by passivation in nitric acid (рН =3) considerable decrease in sorption of radionuclides 60Co, 137Cs (at 7-10 times) in comparison with not passivated steel is observed. On stainless steel sorption 137Cs considerably surpasses sorption 60so whereas on the surface of perlitny steel which in these conditions is in an active state the return picture is observed – sorption 60so surpasses sorption 137Cs. Processing as alloyed, and perlitny steel of a zolyama of oxide of aluminum allows to reduce sorption of radionuclides in addition: a) on 137Cs on the alloyed steel by 6 times, and on perlitny steel - by 9 times; b) on 60Co on the alloyed steel by 6 times, and on perlitny steel - by 4 times.
perlitny became, alloyed became, radionuclides, sorption, stationary potential, chemical processing, decrease in radioactivity
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