Modern economic institutes, in particular, insti-tutes of stateprivate partnership and insolvency and their influence upon ensuring a stable qualitative de-velopment of national economy are under consideration. Institutes come out as fundamental factors of functioning economic systems in long-term and me-dium-term prospects. Market forces cannot function efficiently in inadequate and uncontrollable environ-ment inasmuch as the operation of such forces is contradictory and frequently couterproductive. Under a stateprivate partnership is understood a system of relations between a state sector (state or municipal authorities) and a private sector (business) legally and institutionally secured with the purpose of the development of socially and strategically meaningful branches of national economy to protect social interests and to increase competitiveness of industrial enterprises at the heart of which underlying principles of equal rights, rational partnership, distribution of risks and proceeds, joint operations of state and private sectors. The institution of insolvency (bankruptcy) is one of the most complicated institutions of market (mixed) economy as it combines in itself the compo-nents of cost-effectiveness and social trend. Russia must have effective economic institu-tions including those of state-private partnership and insolvency (bankruptcy) for the transition from a model of an overtaking growth to the model of advanced development.
institution, state-private partnership, SPP, insolvency, bankruptcy, insolvent
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