This paper reports the consideration of problems in the automation of an application formation for the design of a hydraulic drive and further automation of the design preparation of production. The matter concerns the problems in the formation of an application for designing hydraulic equipment which arise mainly in small-scale and medium companies. The process of an application formation at the “Borox-Hydraulic” is under consideration before the appearance of specialized modules and after their occurrence. A database of all basic elements of a volumetric hydraulic drive is under development for the selection of optimum elements a method of analytical hierarchies is used. The methods offered modules developed are applicable at small-scale enterprises engaged in repair and manufacturing hydraulic equipment. The application of modules developed reduces considerably the process of an application workup, and the libraries developed of elements allow a designer to create easily new products. With the aid of analytical hierarchies one chooses optimum elements which could be selected from the list of the most essential ones and use at the development of new equipment.
hydraulic equipment, specialized modules, design preparation, small-scale enterprise, method of analytical hierarchies
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