The authors on the basis of a representative analysis of expert opinion assessed the major problems arising in the development of sustainable tourism management system, and especially rural tourism. The key areas of work for the forming effective investment policy in sustainable tourism are identified, as well as challenges in the formation of consumer interest and demand for sustainable tourism products and their solutions are revealed. The scientific staff of the department UNWTO-RIAT and research laboratory for sustainable development of tourist destinations of Moscow branch of RIAT during the expert survey, conducted with the support of the Federal Agency for Tourism within the framework of scientific cooperation with the Organization United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 2015 surveyed 92 experts in the field of tourism from 19 regions of Russian Federation. The study identified the main problems limiting and inhibitory management processes, as well as the main directions of work for the sustainable development of tourist destinations, which should be in focus of legal regulation of tourism development in the country and in the regions. The research results can be used by tourism authorities at the federal, regional and municipal levels for the formation of effective management stratgy, investment policy and the territorial system of marketing tourist destinations. The results of the expert survey can become a base for research and be used in the educational process. For the successful implementation of sustainable tourism development principles at all levels (federal, regional, municipal) the management and investment models should be clearly elaborated and business process algorithms for project management of sustainable development of tourist destinations and their promotion on the market should be created. All parties need to clearly understand and respect the interests of the subjects of relations, and in this case they need to have a common goal – an effective sustainable development.
sustainable development, tourism, expert survey, development strategy, sustainable tourism, rural tourism, investment policy, market mechanisms
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