Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The phenomenon of rural tourism is known for a long time, now it holds a strong position in the global tourism industry. At national level the phenomenon of rural tourism takes a variety of forms, in which different approaches to the appropriate tourism product development and its integration with additional services are implemented. The study conducted by the author demonstrates that the success of rural tourism development depends on the efforts of national and regional regulatory agencies, as well as local government entities. The article presents established practices of support and regulation of rural tourism, summarizes scientific approaches to the formalization of the rural tourism state regulation and grouping of its functions. It is proved that the phenomenon of rural tourism appears at the intersection of three management objects: regional policy in terms of development of rural areas, tourism development policies, especially in diversification of the tourism product, as well as agriculture development policies, promotion of technologies and products. Based on the research results the author presents interpretation of the types of the rural tourism development public policies.

rural tourism, management, concept, model, service

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