Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper deals with geometrical transformations of an assembled unit to obtain its variant, under which a new product is understood which satisfies the condition: it fulfils the same main function as initial assembly and it differs from the initial product by the characteristics of parts (forms, number, location) , and / or the connections between them. A classification of geometrical transformations and heuristic methods for their realization are proposed. The methods are represented by a heuristic algorithm and illustrated by examples. The discussed methods are: symmetry, translation and rotation (well known geometric transformations), CAD functions (transformation based on functions of a CAD system), replacement (borrowing of the materialization of an objectdonor according to a given description of object-recipient), modification (changing an object by searching through questions, variants of essential words of its textual description), transformation (changing an object by changing parts of its text description), recursion (an operation in which on the same assembled unit consistently selected set of methods are applied to obtain new variants), uncertainty (looking for a variant by one person to an assembled unit that is deliberately represented ambiguously by another person), error (looking for a variant by one person to an assembled unit, in which another person has deliberately made a mistake), inversion (operation over an object, in which one element of the object is replaced by another, the elements of the object being classified in advance by substantial features), conversion (on the assembled unit one method is applied to looking for a variant, and on the obtained result — a second method is applied, etc. with consistent application of existing methods), systematization (on the same assembled unit a selected set of methods is applied consistently, then on each obtained result the same set is applied, etc.), combination (combination of elements of two variants).

variants, assembly units, engineering design, CAD systems, engineering graphics.

1. Введение

Одним из важных вопросов проектирования технических объектов является генерация вариантов решений и выбор из них оптимального. Под вариантом заданой сборочной единицы (СЕ) в настоящей работе понимается новая СЕ, которая отвечает следующим требованиям:

  1. получена на основе первично заданной СЕ;
  2. выполняет ту же главную функцию, что и заданый объект;
  3. реализована иначе по отношению к заданной за счет других деталей и (или) соединений между ними и (или) основных функций.

Основным методом поиска вариантов является метод геометрических преобразований СЕ. Общие способы поиска вариантов за счет геометрических преобразований в настоящей работе названы операциями над СЕ.

Цель данной работы заключается в систематизации основных операций над СЕ, эффективных для поиска ее вариантов, и выявление новых вариантов использования ряда операций.


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