Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the two orders of the contract negotiations: non-contractual procedure based on the provisions of Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the contractual order with the help of an agreement on the procedure for negotiating. Above agreement can be of three types: the agreement on the procedure for negotiating, the agreement on the content of the future treaty, the agreement of the mixed type. Regardless of the order of negotiation grounds for damages of losses are unfair negotiations, including disclosure of confidential information transmitted by the other party or use confidential information improperly for its own purposes, as well as the unfair termination of negotiations. The amount of damages includes the costs incurred by the other party in connection with the contract negotiations (rent for the meeting room, translation fees, the preparation of the main contract of the project), as well as for the loss of opportunity to conclude a contract with a third face.

contract negotiations, the principle of good practice, confidential information, precontractual agreement, an agreement on the procedure for negotiation, pre-contractual liability, damages.

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