Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article covers the problem of the actualization of the right to self-determination for the current conditions, when various forms of ethnic self-assertion play significant role, and therefore, the collective rights of ethnic communities. The complexity of the processes of national and political development requires, on the one hand, strict adherence to international law, on the other hand, in-depth study of the concrete historical situation and consensus-building between all concerned parties. Therefore, it is rightful to consider the question on the interpretation of the right to self-determination for the specific conditions and the development of the mechanisms for its implementation by concerned parties, taking into account the features of these conditions and the interests of the parties. This will ensure a departure from the traditional forms of enjoyment of the right to self-determination, which adequately reflect the characteristics of a particular socio-political situation. On that basis, the author considers that it is productive to examine the problem of self-determination as a process of reconciling the interests, having a substantive and procedural components.

ethnic self-assertion, the right to self-determination, law of nations, political and legal status of the nations, identity, geo-cultural space, national interests, international relations.

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