Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
According to the opinion of the authors, the main component of the urban culture of Volgograd is realogic identity. They argue the idea that being and existence of things in connection with the life of citizens, which is expressed in the creation, exchange, representation of material objects in handmade art format can serve as an important resource for gaining the new city image and culture of the city status. The article reveals the cultural function as a specific phenomenon of handmade artisan creativity and its importance as a special form of activity of the creative community in the culture of modern cities on the example of Volgograd. In addition to the universal (in the urban sense) creative functions and upcycling (empowering new life of old things in the so-called “repair society” by hand makers), as well as self-realization and self-handmade-presentation, the article highlights such previously unexplored handmade functions as communicational, consolidating and accumulative and representational functions associated with the ability to combine creativity handmade urban master craftsmen in community and even the community, successfully contributing to promote the image of the city of Volgograd as a culture and to express the identity of the city, acting as a symbolic and realogic brand Volgograd. They explore the basic directions of handmade in Volgograd in the aspect of micro-urbanism, as well as ways and forms of existence of real practices, folding in the city community and environment in real and virtual cultural and urban space. The authors analyze the handmade practice and Volgograd community, linking them to the specific characteristics of the modern city culture, urban identity and opportunities for urban planning and development in the field of regional cultural policy and tourism and, ultimately, with the prospect of Volgograd become a city of culture on the basis of use realogic resource handicraft handmade creation.

handmade art, community, practices, environment, micro urbanism, culture of Volgograd, realogic resource, the city of culture

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