Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article states the need of foresight of the further Service industry development in order to prepare more qualified specialists at such actual graduate studies as «Service» and «Tourism». Today educational process at these disciplines demands creative approach, which involves Professor and Student collaboration in innovative ideas production. The author of the article states that foresight of the Service industry trends allows pay attention to actual problems at the lectures and practical classes, it gives an opportunity to redistribute the instructional time, destined to theo- retical or practical work, to make the sessions more valuable, full of case – studies. The conclusion of the article is the statement that foresight is very helpful for the student auditory in a different ways – as a raised problem, as a special task, as a form of a lesson, as a method of the research. The main foresight advantage is its ability to activate creative potential of the students. The students begin to study more diligent, they try to find new and original solutions of their professional tasks. They demand innovative thinking because it increases above exist- ing algorithms, samples and models. It comes to the new progressive results. Innovative thinking development is following by the innovative behavior development and growth of the commercialization and promotion skills. The creativity of future experts is the quality, which provides their life achievements.

service innovations, «Internet of the things», independent tourism, medical tourism, event tourism, adventure tourism, thematic parks, practicable education

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