Rubrics: DEBATE
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study in the article is the identification and conceptual analysis of the main essential features for the development of territories in the tourism sector based on a systemic approach. The relevance of the theme, along with the high request of the practice, is because of a systematic approach holistically and comprehensively allows addressing this range of problems. In the first part of the article, the author examines the main models of development of tourist areas; special attention is paid to the classical model of development by R. Butler and its modification through the prism of chaos theory. There is identified the cyclic and wave nature of development of the tourist areas. In the second part of the article the author reveals the essential components for the development of tourist areas through the answers to the following questions: what develops (elements of the tourism system, their interaction and the system itself), what is the result of transformation, what are the transformations and which medium develops, what are the factors/ forces of development, what is the relation- ship between mediums and factors of change, what are the strategies of the mediums and factors regarding the arising interactions. For each component of the development the author, based on his own experience, shows the essence and the conceptual content, which together allow the system to provide the development of tourist areas. Special attention is paid to the technological structure of the tourism system, as well as the main stages of formation of tourist experiences of travelling. The study uses the following methods and approaches: system- atic method, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, modeling, descriptive and comparative methods. The novelty of the work is the firstly conducted research in the essential conceptual and substantive sections of the underlying issues/components of the development of tourist territories. The identification and reference dimensions for the actual material specific area allows a system approach to show their development and outputs of the research with conceptual and methodological levels in the application, providing the appropriate tools for experts of this sphere.

impression, experience, tourism, tourist system, development





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