Administrative reforms have entered a new "postmanager" phase in the developed countries. Its certain characteristic is the increased attention to enforce proper management ability of the state under the broad involvement of business and public in decision of public affairs. Receiving the widespread in public administration, the theory of the concept of "new publicity" forms the modern approaches to the development of public values and ensuring their influence on public policy and management. In transit political and administrative systems the formation of mechanisms of public involvement in reforming the state and municipal management is becoming an important factor in the success of administrative reforms. Using the principles and techniques of public participation of civil society in the reform of the Russian Civil Service is declared by the political elite and set legally. However, the decisive influence of motives of political and administrative rent extraction and the associated dominance in personnel policy in government of protectionism and clientelism does not allow to achieve systemic change in the course of reforming the Civil Service of Russia.
state, management, public, reform, reform, political interaction, concept of "new publicity"
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