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Abstract (English):
The current approaches to the efficiency definition of resource use at industrial enterprises are analyzed. According to existing theories of a firm, in a general case in economy there are emphasized three kinds of efficiency: allocative, adaptive and synergetic. The economic theory of welfare considers the efficiency of resource distribution and use with the application of five paradigms: a utilitarian criterion, criteria of Rawls, Kaldor-Hicks, T. Skitovsky and A. Bergson. For the assessment of a living standard of people the economic science uses a number of factors, such as Gross Domestic Product, National Income, a level of social life development. But their application is possible only at the macrolevel of control. At the level of an enterprise or a sector the group of investment efficiency indices can be used as a basic one. The efficiency in the financial analysis can be estimated with the use of two basic criteria: profitability, profit value. In the paper there are shown values used for the assessment of allocative efficiency of all kinds of re-sources separately – labour, capital, information, hu-man capital. Merits and demerits in the computation of “labour productivity” index are shown. The occurring inaccuracies are presented in the assessment of work done, that resulted in the distortion of the current situation estimate in an industrial system and also in the elaboration of wrong management solutions. The author has offered a set of parameters, an aggregative index – share ratio coefficient of intensive and exten-sive factors for the definition of an allocative efficiency system. In the paper there are presented concepts of adaptive and synergetic efficiency, the existing values of the assessment of the mentioned kinds of efficiency are analyzed are combined into into a single model.

effectiveness, resources, allocation, adaptation, synergetic efficiency, industry
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