Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The development of methods of designing and assembling electronic units on circuit boards with the use of surface assembling techniques (SAT) became one of the priority fields. The product optic control is the most common method of control carried out by specialized equipment, an automated optic inspection (AOI). On the basis of the fulfilled analysis of technical solutions on the organization of inspections of different manufacturers and according to the test results in practice of some variants there was offered a circuit including the following equipment layout: a set of chambers, a system of linear displacement, a controller, a computer and software. The optical inspection software can be divided into the software of management and the software of control. The former serves for the computation of a control signal, the comparison of coordinates of equipment (with physical (F), imported (C) and in-spected (P)) interpretation of coordinates, interpolation and so on. The software of control contains modules: of data import from Gerberfile, the identification of board images obtained from the chamber, of the com-putation and comparison of identified components with a standard, of the analysis defects and the definition of a defect type, of database (DB) filling, of the interaction with a user. The system described in comparison with foreign analogues has a smaller set of options, but solves a problem of control under conditions of enterprises manufacturing electronics of the second class (according to IPCA-610 Standard “Criteria for Electronic Assemblage Acceptance).
automated optical inspection, AOI, surface mounting, printed circuit assemblies, soldering quality management, machine-tool construction
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