The mechanism of highspeed steel surface har-dening during grinding is considered, the system for a complex investigation of physic-stress-strain properties of surface layers is developed and the investigation results at the oil use are presented. It is determined that the value and degree of coldhardening of a high-speed steel surface layer is a thermo-dependent process, the mechanism of structural and phase changes is analyzed and the efficiency of solid lubrication use in working process is shown. Oil coating on an abrasive tool during results in a natural decrease of cold-hardening at all values of a crossfeed motion. This is caused both by cutting force decrease, and by the decrease of grinding temperature because of the friction force reduction at the interaction of high-speed steel with an oiled disk. The regularities of austenite quantity changes after steel grinding under different conditions confirm phase changes influence upon a value and a degree of cold-hardening. The results obtained allow choosing reasonably cutting modes and characteristics of cBN disks at oil coating during sharpening.
solid lubrication, cBN disk, sharpening, high-speed steel, cold-hardening, cold-hardening depth, cold-hardening degree
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