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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the question of exhibiting of jewelry art items of pre-Mongolian Russia in Russian museums. Public and private museums that were opening in the Russian Empire contributed to preservation of the cultural heritage of the country. When they were emerging, many private collectors donated part or all of their collections to state. This was especially promoted by opening of the Historical Museum in 1883 for the general public. Exhibits of public museum were replenished by the collections of Uvarovs, Kropotkins, Shcherbatovs, Golitsyns. The fate of collection of the outstanding collector M. Botkin is noteworthy. Masterpieces of jewelry art of ancient Russia may be exhibited in only a few museums in the country, including two sites in the Moscow Kremlin, which show such kind of items. Collection "Russian gold and silverware of beginning of XII-XVII centuries" is located in the exposition hall 1 of Armory Chamber. The glass case 2 presents gold and silver items, made by goldsmiths of Kiev, Chernigov, Ryazan, Suzdal, Novgorod. Museum affair after the October Revolution in the country was significantly reformed. Museums and collections of the palaces were declared as the national property. For registration, accounting and secure of all artistic and cultural treasures, the artistic and historical commissions and the State Museum Fund were created. Majority private collections were nationalized. Russian Museum, located in the Mikhailovsky Palace in Sankt Petersburg has one of the largest collections of pre-Mongolian Russian treasures and individual items of jewelry art of X-XIII centuries. Thousands of works of jewelry art of ancient Russia are collected in the expositions and funds of Russian museums. Today collections of not only central but also local museums are multiplied, facilities and exhibitions are quality improving.

Ancient Russia, jewelry art, exhibits, pre-Mongolian period, collection, museum

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