Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A major task for successful development of tourism in concrete territory is providing of steady tourist flows to its recreational objects, taking into account their transport

accessibility. Lack of uniform system of units is a methodological problem when researching the geographical location. The approbation of a technique of the analysis of a transport geographical location is represented in the article. It is based on the numerical score of temporal and economic distances between the most essential points of the beginning of trips and these tourist objects in the territory of the region. For this purpose, transport accessibility of following tourist sites in Arkhangelsk region have been studied: The Museum of wooden architecture "Malye Korely", Historical museum of М.В. Lomonosov’s motherland, Pinezskie caves, Kenozerskiy national park, Solovetsky state historical, architectural and natural museum reserve. The analysis of transport-geographical location of these objects relatively potential places generating tourist flows to them has been carried out. The transport schemes that can be used by potential tourists from Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, have been considered. Both obstacles and advantages of the different types of passenger transport for tourists including in transport schemes analyzed when moving to the interesting recreational objects have been determined. For reduction of tourists’ temporal expenses the "regulable obstacles" have been determined. Their removal can reduce time of the way to the objects of tourist interest. Use of these methodical approaches will help to optimize development of the considered tourist directions, and will make these objects more accessible, which will impact on the individual choice of resting-places.

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