Rubrics: ECONOMY
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the authors set themselves a task to analyze the terrorism impact on the world tourism development. Description of terrorist attacks affecting the hospitality industry, mass media and Internet sources on mentioned problems over the past few years are the objects of analysis. The article deals with the theories explaining the impact of terrorism on tourism. The authors attempt to determine the motives of terrorists, as well as measures to ensure the safety of tourists. The authors conclude that the negative impact of terrorism on tourism development is reflected primarily at the micro-level, because exactly here there is a gradual development of the tourist industry, members of which are adapting to the new conditions. The hypothesis of the paramount importance of international tourism and intercultural dialogue in the fight against terrorism is advanced in the article. After reviewing the available information the authors have concluded that the resources for intercultural dialogue are actually scarce and inaccessible to most nations. These conclusions will find practical application in the work of tour operators, and the hypotheses advanced by the authors could be useful for both parties - the participants of tourism industry.

tourism, terrorism, intercultural dialogue, security measures

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