The article analyzes theoretical (organizational) and practical aspects of educational technology to enhance the quality of graduates’ education and their competitiveness on the labour market. The analysis of the status of hospitality industry and its domestic and international trends under current economic conditions has predestined the need to improve the role of educational institutions as human resources training, and the enterprises of industry - to create the conditions for the adaptation and development of the competitive capacity of specialists. The authors emphasize the advisability of introducing a public professional examination of education programs, and starting July 01, 2016 - procedures of confirmation the education quality of each university graduate. The article also defines the role of the professional community representatives in the educational programs formation, their accreditation, which indicates the need for education and business system. The possible directions of policy of educational and entrepreneurial system of hospitality industry are formulated, criteria for graduates’ competitiveness estimation by a number of components of general educational, practical and social activities are offered. The authors present teaching experience of interdisciplinary design programs using Business English in teaching university students as a development element of business resource of graduates. The indicators for student activities estimation and integrated factor of graduate’s competitiveness are offered. This allows protecting a document of high education in front of professional community.
practice-oriented training, the competitiveness of graduates, hospitality industry
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