Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors marked and characterized four sets of criteria: 1) the criteria for scientific knowledge, 2) the criteria for the truth of knowledge, and 3) the criteria for cultural research, 4) the criteria for independence of science. All these four sets of criteria related to each other and partially overlap. The mixing of these criteria makes it difficult to develop the problems of the philosophy of science. The existing trend of rejection of the category of truth manifests itself in proposals to replace it with the concepts of reliability, credibility, sense. Such position creates a paradoxical situation of self-referencing: if there is no truth, then what is approved by postmodernists and domestic authors, is also not truth. Therefore, the consistent implementation of the provisions of the postmodern leads them to self-destruct. The leading criterions of truth have the empirical evidence. Its base component is a statistically significant observation. It operates as a pure supervision or as supervision in the composition of practices, including experiment. Derivative of empirical verification by criteria of truth are logical provability, heuristic, simplicity and beauty. The criteria for scientific knowledge are conclusiveness (rationality), noncontradiction, empirical verifiability, repeatability of empirical material, general meaning, systematicity (coherence), essentiality, uniqueness of terms, developmental potency. On the basis of these criteria the authors give the generalized definition of scientific knowledge.

truth, theory of truth, criteria of truth, paradoxical selfreference, empirical verifiability, scientific criteria, criteria of scientific research culture and cultural autonomy of science.

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