The article considers aspects of the tourism activity development. The scientific papers pay significant attention to development of tourism through the formation of tourism clusters and tourist destinations. Formation and development of tourist destinations is impossible without the hospitality sector. Hospitality is one of the important conditions for the formation of a tourist destination. Currently there is a high competition in the hospitality industry. During the 2015-2016 it is planned to open 20 hotels of international hotel chains (Marriott, Ibis, Hilton, Hyatt, Radisson, Novotel) with the average payback period of 5-6 years. The article presents the results of applying the additional services in accommodation facilities, which have been named the best in the competition "The best Russian hotels in 2015 (on guest reviews)" – Lotte Hotel Moscow, Hyatt Regency Yekaterinburg, Hotel « Hermitage», Ramada Kazan City Centre, Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace, Domina Prestige, Radisson Hotel, Pushka Inn Hotel, Swissotel Krasnye Holmy, Ararat Park Hyatt, Resort «Tsargrad», guest house "Alexander House”, boarding house Assembly, Mercure Moscow Baumanskaya. Additional services in these accommodation facilities have two features: they are not differentiated and are no innovative. According to the research, the authors propose to classify the hotel services by the number of satisfied requirements. The authors also represent two new hotel services and demonstrate the economic feasibility of the application of innovation.
hotel business, competition, innovative additional services, tourist destination
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