This article presents a review of existing technical means of traffic organization. Considered new, innovative technical means to ensure road safety, as well as its organization. There is a review of each technical means, special attention is paid to such tools as «wafer» marking representing a traffic lane bright yellow or orange in the form of a grid. Applying this markup is necessary to reduce the number of vehicles leaving the intersection during the prohibiting traffic signal. The experience of using it has shown that it is possible to reduce the number of offences in this area are on average 20%. As reviewed by technical means was deliniator - artificial border, which is used as road markings and divider lanes. Mostly Delineator necessary for reducing accidents, these devices are designed to minimize and often completely eliminate the risk of oncoming traffic accidents, which explains their effectiveness. Another technical tool, given the focus in this paper attributed the improved lights illuminated sections of the turn. This non-standard technical tool mostly used abroad, but the positive experience of its application will allow to apply it in Russia. The idea is that when a malfunction of a traffic light, the driver will know exactly about this phenomenon, due to the fact that the section is not highlighted. The application of these devices will reduce the number of road accidents and will not allow to leave vehicles at the junction with faulty traffic lights. Also the system of «Odyssey», which has also found its application in the implementation of management on a regulated intersection. This system consists of a camera and device for monitoring vehicles, which are used to detect and fix the location of the vehicle, which was speeding or violating other traffic rules and also to reduce the risk of road accidents. The combination of considered technical means of traffic organization improves the efficiency of traffic organization and to reduce the risk of road accidents.
technical means of traffic organization, transport, reduce accidents
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