Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay (Chair of Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Informatic, Head)
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article proposes identifi cation of the most likely ways of institutional changes in the system of pedagogical education in the conditions of innovation, taking into account global socio-economic and socio-cultural trends that defi ne the essential aspects of training future teachers. International trends of modernization of education are analyzed, which largely determine the directions of pedagogical education development. The problems of changes in the value component of education in modern world are discussed. The materials are prepared within the framework of the project «Promising models of development of pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of realization of Strategy «Kazakhstan — 2050», approved by the decision of National scientifi c council of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Intellectual potential of the country».
education, pedagogical education, education values, education purposes, pragmatic education, educational technologies.
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