Ural'sk, Kazakhstan
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is improving the wool productivity of sheep of Akzhaik meat-wool breed at the expense of different selections of parents. For research used two variants of selection of parental pairs: Akzhaik meat-wool sheep producing meat-tion type (weight not less than 110 kg, wool production in the original 9.5 kg, wool length of 15.0 cm, fineness of wool 50 quality) were paired with ewes class I and II at the age of 2.5 years is not a local type of herd age and sex depending on the class ewes were divided into two groups of 200 animals each. The same principle was formed the second option of selection of parental pairs. Only were used for mating with avamat-kami class I and II rams-manufacturers of custom herd (live weight 102 kg, wool production in the original 8.24 kg, wool length 15.5 cm, wool fineness 50 quality). The study of wool production and physico-technical properties of the wool yearling bright were carried out using established techniques in research laboratories of wool VNIIOK Stavropol. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that the increase in meat content of Akzhaik meat-wool sheep has no adverse effects on wool productivity bright. So the hair is bright at one year of age was typical for crossbreeding in fineness and the staple well-adjusted. Significant differences in physico-technical properties between the compared groups was not available and the wool meet the requirements of the textile industry for a homogenous semi-fine wool.
wool, fineness, class, clipping, quality, strength, selection
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