Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Recognition hyperinsulinemia as the root cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus is becoming more supporters. The overload nutrition cell and insulin resistance is developing as a result of hyperinsulinemia. Insulin resistance is not the only one protection mechanism. Functional system to limited excessive insulin action includes other mechanisms. This review describes the reactions that develop in the tissues in diabetic patients and their relationship with excessive exposure to insulin. Negative feedback mechanism under excessive stimulation of insulin action includes action contrainsular hormones, no β-cell response on increasing the glucose in the extracellular medium, reduction of C-peptide, induction of β-cell apoptosis. The compensation mechanisms includes the restriction of consumption of substances and flow of information, the redirecting excess in the adi-pose tissue, the glycogen synthesis and the activation of kinase-3 synthase glycogen. The conditions GI insulin is able to bind and activate receptors IGF-type 1 to a greater extent than insulin receptors. At diabetes the repro-duction, the growth and the differentiation of cells are accelerated, leading to tumor growth, the accumulation of senescent cells. The depletion and reduction of telomerase activity in diabetes mellitus also have an adaptive value. Contact with receptors undifferentiated cells caused by their high sensitivity and low capacity for insulin resistance, operates referral mechanism power is the same as for obesity. Young cells of functionally active or-gans die, some cells accelerate differentiation and less active peripheral located in hypoxic conditions, may be-come cancerous. The author believes that the growth of tumors after intensive treatment of diabetes is associated with excess insulin action.

type 2 diabetes, excessive adaptation to the effects of insulin, reducing the activity of islet cells, obesity, deposition of glycogen, reproduction, growth and differentiation of tissues, aging, cancer.

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