In recent years Russian companies are facing an acute problem of enterprises compatibility in both domestic and world markets. And nuclear branch is not the exclusion. The requirements growth producing to nuclear plants by Federal supervising authorities and international organizations pose problems to the nuclear plant to improve all processes of plant activities. The practical introduction of advanced methods for economic manufacturing and current models for the management of quality, ecology, protection of labour and safety in accordance with the requirements of international standards revealed considerable problems. One of which consists in the absence of the system ensuring the equilibrium of all requirements of systems created resulting in harmonious development of an enterprise on all indices of its activities. This paper reports the description of quality system evolution at nuclear plants. A technical approach to the integration of management systems, ecology, labour protection and economic production is offered. The example of an integrated management system at Smolensk nuclear power plant is shown
nuclear plant, quality management, integration, methodical approach, economic production, Smolensk nuclear power plant
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