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Abstract (English):
A contact of machinery real engineering surfaces has a complex geometry and is defined by errors at machining, in particular, by macrodeviations, corrugation and roughness. This paper report the consideration carried out on a fluid consumption through an end axisymmetric sealing arrangement formed by a joint of metal surfaces. Sealed environment consumption is defined through a sum of leaks through a slit between surfaces conditioned on corrugation and dripping through a porous layer farmed by surface roughness on contact contour spots. The surface corrugation is modeled by splines according to initial parameters of a corrugation, and as a roughness a surface fractal model is used repeating a real roughness most accurate. On algorithms presented taking into account basic parameters of corrugation and roughness the 3D models of engineering surfaces are created and after their bringing in contact arises a possibility to obtain practically all parameters of contacting defining the impermeability of a sealing arrangement. The application of 3D models allows rendering processes passing in a contact of conjugate surfaces and obtaining some data, for instance, a tortuosity of leaking channels which earlier were chosen according to recommendations which no doubt increases computation accuracy.

impermeability, passing, leakage, porous environment, fractal object, compacting
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