Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In 2014 for the realization of experimental investigation there was assembled a completed experimental plant for testing lowspending turbo-machines with the use of an inductor brake (IB) at the enterprise “Microturbine Techniques” Co. and was installed on a test board of the laboratory of the department “Turbines, Fluid Machines and Aviation Engines” of SPbPU. In the structure of a test bench there is included an air system, oil system, system of control, measuring and information accumulation. From the air system air passes through a flow gage and delivered to IB. All tests will be agreed with the frequencies of rotor rotation in the course of which there were carried out measurements. According to values read of consumption, pressure, temperatures and efforts to a stator lever of an inductor brake with the aid of PC software the parameters of a lowspending centrifugalflow compressor (LCC) will be computed. The criterion of capacity equality consumed by LCC and taken off from a lowspending radialaxial turbine will be zero value of the effort on a stator lever of an inductor brake. As a result of the work performed the IB equipment is prepared, all systems of the test board are connected up. The systems of control, measuring and experimental data accumulation are connected up and adjusted. A visualization program is developed.

heat flow diagram, assembling, turbo-generator, low-sized turbo-machines, separate drive, synchronizing generator, MGTG
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