This article is devoted to the study of certain tendencies of the political parties constitutional regulation in the Russian Federation. With the aid of analysis of the political parties functioning legislation, the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights the author demonstrates the dynamics of the Russian legislation in the field of the party building, as well as the different approaches used in these courts in the interpretation of some restrictive regulation in context of the topic. It is noted that political parties are an important segment of modern democracy and they play an important part not only in the electoral process, but also in the deputy-voter mutual relationship; also political parties can affect certain public authorities. Accordingly showing up general rules of the legislation development in this area and their comparative legal analysis would not only clearly define the real situation of the political parties in Russia and reveal the existing problems, but also indicate a vector for the further development of the constitutional regulations in this field.
Political party, development trends, the deputy, democracy, voters, party building.
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