Scientific basics of creation of the modern internally coordinated system of terms and definitions for safety and health at work are covered. Terms consider dual nature of work as material process of world transformation and social relation concerning assignment of a product of work. The central concept of system is the concept of harm. All terms of system are broken into five groups in compliance with logic of the organization of safety and health at work: the general concepts of work and production, types of harm and threats of life and to health of the person occupied with work, the concepts connected with working conditions, the concepts connected with activities for safety, the concepts connected with means of protection. The described system of terms makes contents of the new interstate standard GOST 12.0.002-2014.
term, work, production, infliction of harm, work safety, occupational safety and health.
1. Введение
Для успешной человеческой деятельности, практически невозможной без коммуникативного общения (речи) и абстрактного мышления предвидения, проектирования, планирования и т.п., необходим понятийно-терминологический аппарат осмысления и описания реальности. При этом в зависимости от потребностей практики и теории вслед за изменением реальности меняется в языковой практике (дискурсе) и необходимый для нее понятийно-терминологический аппарат. Изменение политической и экономической основ производственной деятельности кардинально изменило организацию обеспечения безопасности производства и безопасности труда работающих, а также ее важнейшую часть — жестко регулируемую национальным законодательством охрану труда наемных работников. Для описания новой реальности ее функционирования в рыночной экономике понадобились и новые понятия, и новая терминология (в русскоязычном дискурсе постсоветских стран).
1. USSR standard — GOST 12.0.002–1974 Work safety standards system. Terms and definitions. (in Russian)
2. USSR standard — GOST 12.0.002–1980 Work safety standards system. Terms and definitions. (With Change № 1 of 01.07.1991) (Conforms to the ST СEМ 1084–78 standard). (in Russian).
3. Interstate standard GOST 12.0.002–2003. Work safety standards system. Terms and definitions (in Russian)
4. Interstate standard GOST 12.0.002–2014 Work safety standards system. Terms and definitions. (in Russian)
5. The Russian encyclopedia on occupational safety and health. In 3 volumes. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. — Moscow, ENAS Publ., 2006. Vol. 1 A-K 440 p.; Vol. 2 L-R. 408 p.; Vol 3 S-Ya. 400 p. (in Russian)
6. Izmerov N.F. The Russian encyclopedia on work medicine. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 2006. 656 p. (in Russian)
7. The encyclopedia on safety and occupational health. In 4 volumes. Moscow, 2001–2002. V.1. 1279 p; T.2. 925 p; T.3. 1311 p.; T.4. 712 p. (in Russian)
8. Pashin N.P., Frolov O.P., Krevs G.G., Makhametkulov L.Z. Occupational safety and health, protection of public health, environmental protection: The dictionary reference of the terms and concepts applied in federal laws. Moscow, All-Russian scientific research institute of protection and economy of work Publ., 2007. 174 p. (in Russian)
9. Fainburg G.Z. Terminology and conceptual framework of safety of work: Explanatory dictionary minimum. Perm, Perm State Techn. Univ. Publ., 2001. 120 p. (in Russian)
10. Belov S.V. The basic concepts, terms and definitions in health and safety // Besopasnost’ jisnedejatelnosti [Health and safety], 2007, I. 2, pp. 37–40, I. 3, pp. 37–43. (in Russian)
11. Fainburg G.Z. Words and acts of occupational safety and health: problems of change of a conceptual framework and terminology upon transition to market conditions of managing. Besopasnost’ i okhrana truda [Safety and occupational safety&health], 2007, I. 2, pp. 56–61. (in Russian)
12. Fainburg G.Z. A conceptual framework of safety in a technosphere and its embodiment in terms of a practical discourse. Besopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in a technosphere]. 2007, I. 6, pp. 52–57 (beginning). 2008, I. 1, pp. 44–46 (termination) (in Russian)
13. Fainburg G.Z. Dialectics of occupational safety and health: reality and illusiveness, visibility and essence, the theory and practice (about some the actual, but still standardly not solved problems of conceptual terms framework of occupational safety and health). Besopasnost’ i okhrana truda [Safety and occupational safety&health], 2013, I. 3, pp. 44–51. (in Russian)
14. Fainburg G.Z. About the organization of works on occupational safety and health when rendering services in the territory of the countries of the Euroasian economic union. Besopasnost’ i okhrana truda [Safety and occupational safety&health]. 2014, I. 4, pp. 16–23. (in Russian)
15. Recommendations about interstate standardization of RMG 19–96 «Recommendations about the basic principles and methods of standardization of terminology». (in Russian)
16. Alli, Benjamin O. Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety. Geneva, International Labour Office Publ., 2008. 199 p.
17. Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Systems. ILO-OSH 2001. Geneva, ILO, 2001. [Guide to control systems of labor protection. MOT-SUOT 2001. The official publication of the International Labour Organization in Russian. Geneva, 2003. Scientific edition of Russian translation. G.Z. Fainburg].
18. Interstate standard GOST 12.0.230–2007. Work safety standards system. occupation safety and health. Management systems. General requirements. ILO-OSH 2001 «Guidelines on occupation safety and health management systems» (IDT) (in Russian)
19. BS OHSAS 18001:2007. Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Requirements.
20. National Russian Federation standard. GOST P 54934-2012. OHSAS 18001:2007 of System of management of safety of work and health protection. Requirement. OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements (IDT). (in Russian)
21. Constitution of the Russian Federation (in Russian)
22. Civil code of the Russian Federation (in Russian)
23. Labour code of the Russian Federation (in Russian)
24. Criminal code of the Russian Federation (in Russian)
25. The federal law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ «About obligatory social insurance from occupational accidents and diseases» (in Russian)
26. The federal law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ «About sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population» (in Russian)
27. The federal law of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ «About security» (in Russian)
28. The federal law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ «About bases of protection of public health in the Russian Federation» (in Russian)
29. Fainburg G.Z. Dual nature of work and activity for safety of a production. Modern society: questions of the theory, methodology, methods of social researches. Materials VI of the All-Russian scientific conference devoted to the 80 anniversary since the birth of professor Z.I. Fainburg. Perm, 2002, pp. 80–81 (in Russian)
30. Fainburg G.Z. Dual nature of work and its manifestation in the sphere of occupational safety and health. Actual problems of development of modern Russian society. Perm State Techn. Univ. Perm, 2009, pp.110–123. (in Russian)