The article is a result of the study “Marketing, organizational and economic evaluation of tourism resources of the Klin municipal district”, implemented by the creative team of Russian State University of Tourism and Service in 2015. Among the major research areas were identified: quantitative assessment of the tourist flow on the objects of the Klin municipal area, qualitative assessment of the tourist flow on the objects of the Klin municipal district, assessment of the possibility and expediency of use of resources of the Klin municipal district of various types, in developing the strategy the development of tourism, formation of tourism products and programs that mitigate the effects of seasonality, as well as stimulating entrepreneurial initiative and generate unique value proposition to consumers, risk assessment and identification of strategic benefits promising tourist and recreational development of the Klin municipal district. In the article the author interprets the research material in terms of characteristics of the target consumer groups of tourism products of the Klin municipal area, the characteristics of their consumer behavior and preferences in the sphere of tourism. The main research methods were routing intelligence, audit and certification of tourist and information resources of the municipal district, questioning real consumers of tourist services, case interviewing of authorized representatives of the anchor tourist attractions of the Klin municipal district. To study the opinions of real consumers of tourist services, the author uses the method of questioning at the place of tourist-excursion service; the sample is formed by the main body that requires involvement in the study of all the incoming flow of visitors to tourist object in a certain period, in this case during the opening hours of visiting sites and displaying.
questionnaire, interviewing, tour product and services, demand, target group, consumer behavior, consumer preferences
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