The article analyzes the current state of children and youth tourism in the Russian Federation, as well as the development ways of management and control of children and youth tourism at the regional level for the sustainable tourism development. The author justifies the importance of the education of children and young people by means of tourism in the spirit of the global concept of sustainable development and proves the need for an integrated approach to solving the problems of the organization of youth tourism in Russia. The author also conducts comparative analysis of intensity of youth tourism in the federal districts of the Russian Federation. The article examines the structure of the organization system of children and youth tourism in the regions of Russia and its quantitative characteristics. The author notes that both the number of recreational facilities for children, and the structure of consumption of children and youth recreation have changed. In particular, the number of children having a rest in the city school camps with day stay, specialized camps and sanatoriums is gradually increasing, and with that the number of children having a rest in camps of work and rest, as well as country health camps is reducing. The article shows that the complexity of the establishment of the children and youth tourism management system lies in a large number of entities with different submission. The author provides an analytical structural model of the sustainable children and youth tourism management system in the region of Russia (by the example of Moscow region). The functions of main regional authorities in the regulatory system are defined; recommendations to improve the management of the system of children and youth tourism for sustainable development are given. The additions to the legislative acts of Moscow region are proposed, and the necessity of inclusion in the target program "Education of Moscow region" indicators characterizing the state of youth tourism is proved.
sustainable development, children and youth tourism, management system, regulation of tourism, tourist destination
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