Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This year marks 85 years of the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” (National Research University "MPEI”). The department of engineering drawing was the first among other departments in the MEI, for which it is also the anniversary year. The organizer and the first head of this department from 1930 to 1962 was Eugeniy A. Glazunov - a prominent scientist and educator, engineer and organizer, who celebrates 125 years. At the beginning of 1930 the Department of Electrical Engineering Higher Technical School, which earlier E.A. Glazunov graduated, has been transformed into the Moscow Higher School of Energy, which became soon the Moscow Energy Institute. Eugeniy Glazunov was appointed to the head of the department of descriptive geometry and drawing in MPEI. (Some time this department was called "Technical graphics"). His name is undeservedly rarely mentioned in textbooks and other literature in applied geometry and graphics. But Eugeniy Glazunov was very authoritative in the circle geometry and graphics, and among the heads of departments he was one of the initiators and leaders of the Moscow seminar on descriptive geometry, who published his works, and the head of the department, who generously shared teaching materials with his related institution. But E.A. Glazunov had relatively few publications compared with present time. But there were very capital works. One of them was written in conjunction with the N.F. Chetverukhin and is called "Axonometry." But it was not only an outstanding organizer and teacher, but also a magnitude engineer — designer and practitioner in the field of electrical engineering. He was a team-mate, who developed and marketed the first installation, substation and network of well-known Russian electrification plan — the plan for electrification. Based on his experience and under his leadership tasks on the engineering drawing based on electrical products and parts were improved, and drawing ceased to be exclusively machine-building. His merits in the development of engineering education and his geometry and graphic component were so significant that he was awarded the title of professorship of Higher Attestation Commission without doctoral dissertation. He was also one of the highest awards of that time, the Order of Lenin (1951).

Eugeniy A. Glazunov, anniversary, MPEI, Department of Engineering Graphics, contribution to engineering education, electrician engineer.

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