Article is devoted to research of competence-based approach to design of the contents of the programs of additional professional education focused on pedagogical employees of system of secondary professional education. Authors made an attempt of defi nition of a competence-based fi eld as open dynamic space of professional competences. In article theoretical and practical justifi cation of use of a competence-based matrix at design of programs of additional professional education (professional development and professional retraining) for teachers of system of secondary professional education is given. In article defi nitions are given: «competence-based approach», «a competence-based fi eld», «a competence-based matrix». Prospects of further research of methodical and qualimetrical aspects of application of a competence-based matrix are planned.
competence-based approach, professional competences, types of professional activity, professional standard, federal state educational standards of secondary professional and higher education, additional professional programs, competence-based fi eld, competence-based matrix, card of professional activity of the teacher of secondary professional education, competence-based ruler.
Новая экономика как осознанный стратегический выбор России изменила взгляд на ключевые задачи образования, преломила их в иной целевой плоскости, в первую очередь относительно категорий «эффективность», «качество» и «образовательный прирост». Новые цели обусловили глубину институциональной реформы образования, которая выразилась в изменении нормативно-правового регулирования отрасли, формировании новых финансово-экономических механизмов управления качеством профессиональной деятельности педагогов, таких, как эффективный контракт. Разрабатываются профессиональные стандарты, которые выступают основным механизмом, устанавливающим динамический баланс между профессионально-квалификационной структурой подготовки специалистов и требованиями работодателей.
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2. Ivanov D.A., Mitrofanov K.G., Sokolova O.V. Competence-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools. M.: АПКиПРО, 2003.
3. The order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 18.10.2013 No. 544n «About the approval of the professional standard «The Teacher (Pedagogical Activity in the Sphere of the Preschool, Primary General, Main General, Secondary General Education) (the Tutor, the Teacher)». [An electronic resource].
4. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 27.10.2014 No. 1386 «About the approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary professional education in 44.02.06 Vocational education (on branches)» [An electronic resource]. // URL:
5. Draft of the professional standard «The Teacher (Pedagogical Activity in Professional Education, Additional Professional Education, Additional Education)». [An electronic resource]. // URL: http://pedsovet .org/content/view/19641/265/.
6. The draft of the federal state educational standard of the higher education (bachelor degree) 44.03.04 «A vocational education (on branches)». [An electronic resource]. // URL:
7. The draft of the federal state educational standard of the higher education (magistracy) 44.04.04 «A vocational education (on branches)». [An electronic resource]. // URL:
8. National frame of qualifications of the Russian Federation. [An electronic resource]. // URL: